Stochastic models for biological neural networks. “Statiscian brain” conjecture. High-performance computing. Open-source, free softwares. New directions for early diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease. Brachial-plexus-injury initiative. Wikipedia. The Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics (RIDC NeuroMat) has released the report of activities for 2015-2017, to be assessed by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) international evaluation committee. The report lists major achievements in the three main areas of NeuroMat —research, technology transfer, dissemination— as well as general information on the RIDC team, publication metrics and funding support.
On May 16, the meeting "Numeracy in Brazil: diagnoses and perspectives", promoted by the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics (RIDC NeuroMat) took place at University of São Paulo (USP). This event was part of the Brazilian Mathematics Biennium and had the support of the São Paulo Research Foundation and the University of São Paulo School of Education. According to the professor Dr. Fernando Paixão, NeuroMat's coordinator of scientific diffusion and one of the event's organizer, the objective was to discuss about the mathematical culture, especially in Basic Education. Carol Gama, Oxigênio, 06/13/2017. (In Portuguese)
Fernanda S. Matias, Pedro V. Carelli, Claudio R. Mirasso and Mauro Copelli
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The 2015 OECD’s PISA result “tells us that most students in Brazil, after spending many years in compulsory education, are unable to make use of mathematics concepts and procedures to perform even basic operations and solve very simple problems.” PISA stands for Program for International Student Assessment, a study to assess the performance of 15-year-old students in various countries on three academic areas: reading, mathematics and science. The recently published 2015 assessment has indicated that Brazil “was well below the average performance of students in the developed world in all three areas tested.”
Time-lapsed visual representation of the vulgarization article "Fla-flu no cérebro," by Antonio Galves. Production: Giulia Ebohon.
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