The NeuroMat scientific dissemination has recently launched another short movie, this time on "open science", the movement to make scientific research, data and dissemination accessible to all levels of an inquiring society, amateur or professional. The video was supported by FAPESP and it also presents RIDC NeuroMat commitment to open science best practices.
The Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics (RIDC NeuroMat) has contributed decisively to the onset of a new generation of researchers. Fifty-five young researchers have been trained at NeuroMat since its inception, in 2013.
Thiago Cabral, Natália B. Mota, Lucia Fraga, Mauro Copelli, Mark A. McDaniel and Sidarta Ribeiro
Christophe Gallesco, Sandro Gallo and Daniel Y. Takahashi
The second post by RIDC NeuroMat director, Antonio Galves, at the blog on Science and Mathematics at O Globo was also out this month. It is the first of a series on the laws of thermodynamics and Ludwig Boltzmann.O Globo website, 08/2018. (In Portuguese.)
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