Miguel Abadi; Sandro Gallo and Erika Alejandra Rada-Mora
Pena RFO, Zaks MA and Roque AC.
Research institutions have looked for alternatives to make science more accessible. A work at the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics (NeuroMat), located at USP, relies on creativity and chooses Wikipedia as a resource for scientific dissemination. Jornal da USP, 06/12/2018. (In Portuguese.)
Nildo and Rony are the main characters of a special comics book, aiming at providing guidance to patients with a brachial plexus injury and their caregivers. The comics book was produced in the context of ABRAÇO --the NeuroMat Action on the Brachial Plexus Injury. Bruna Caetano, Jornal da USP website, 06/14/2018. (In Portuguese)
Momento USP Inovação has interviewed NeuroMat's director, Antonio Galves, on the research agenda the center has advanced. Galves has commented on the association between neurobiology and mathematics, the main topic areas of the center. According to him, mathematics are key to formulate the questions that neurobiology puts forward and to understand brain functioning. Jornal da USP, 6/6/2018. (In Portuguese)
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