Science in comic strips

The NeuroMat story "The arms of Nildo and Rony," created by Antonio Galves, was featured in the five-item recommendation list of a Pesquisa FAPESP video on scientific comic book. (In Portuguese.)Pesquisa Fapesp YouTube channel, 08/2018. (In Portuguese.)

Can the Recording of Motor Potentials Evoked by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Be Optimized?

Marco A. C. Garcia, Victor H. Souza and Claudia D. Vargas

The anguish of the mathematician Ludwig Boltzmann

The second post by RIDC NeuroMat director, Antonio Galves, at the blog on Science and Mathematics at O Globo was also out this month. It is the first of a series on the laws of thermodynamics and Ludwig Boltzmann.O Globo website, 08/2018. (In Portuguese.)

Effect of TMS coil orientation on the spatial distribution of motor evoked potentials in an intrinsic hand muscle

Souza VH, Vieira TM, Peres ASC, Garcia MAC, Vargas CD, Baffa O

Dream Reporting May Help Diagnose Schizophrenia

This week "Agência FAPESP" website featured a text on a research about how dream reporting may help diagnose schizophrenia. The research is conducted by Professor Sidarta Ribeiro, a neuroscientist and director of the Brain Institute of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), who is also one of the researchers linked to the RIDC NeuroMat. Schizophrenic patients may present psychosis, loss of contact with reality that causes delusions, hallucinations and incoherent speech, among other symptoms. The diagnosis of these patients, however, can take six months to be closed and can be reviewed several times throughout their lives by different specialists, since there are no biomarkers to attest this mental disorder. "What we measure today to diagnose schizophrenia are the patients' responses in a questionnaire. Although important, this method is highly subjective. Therefore, patients with schizophrenia are treated in a variety of ways, by multiple methods and usually with combinations of drugs", said Sidarta." Agência FAPESP website, 08/2018. (In Portuguese.)

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