An introduction to the storage of experimental data in neuroscience

A set of presentations and background material on strategies to store experimental neuroscientific data, digital questionnaires to collect and store experimental data and meta-data and tools to manage files. Lecturers: Profs. Kelly Braghetto (DCC-IME-USP) and Amanda Nascimento (DC-UFOP).

Spike sorting: What is it? Why do we need it? Where does it come from? How is it done? How to interpret it?

A series of lectures on spike sorting, that were provided in the context of NeuroMat's training "Spike sorting: What is it? Why do we need it? Where does it come from? How is it done? How to interpret it?,". Lecturer: Prof. Christophe Pouzat, a CNRS researcher of the Applied Maths Laboratory of the Paris-Descartes University and a specialist in spike sorting.

Mathematical and computational challenges of neuroscience

Does the brain of a child with ADHD process information in the same way of the brain of a child with no such disorder? To develop mathematical models to make sense of meaningful differences is a key challenge of Neuromathematics. And this becomes a computational challenge, to the extent it requires the building of neuroscientific databases that take into consideration all characteristics of patients and experiments. Lecturers: Michelle Miranda and Evandro Santos Rocha, NeuroMat team members.

Data Provenance and Scientific Workflow Management

Introductory class on techniques and tools to manage scientific data, focusing on sources of information and data analysis. Lecturer: Prof. Kelly Rosa Braghetto, a NeuroMat associate investigator and a professor at the University of São Paulo's Department of Computer Science.

An elementary introduction to the stochastic modelling of symbolic chains

A class on statistical regularities and statistical model selection. Lecturer: Prof. Antonio Galves, NeuroMat principal investigator and professor at the University of São Paulo's Institute of Mathematics and Statistics.

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