NeuroMat launches a comics book on brachial plexus injury

Nildo and Rony are the main characters of a special comics book, aiming at providing guidance to patients with a brachial plexus injury and their caregivers. The comics book was produced in the context of ABRAÇO --the NeuroMat Action on the Brachial Plexus Injury. Bruna Caetano, Jornal da USP website, 06/14/2018. (In Portuguese)

Mathematical models may answer neurobiology questions

Momento USP Inovação has interviewed NeuroMat's director, Antonio Galves, on the research agenda the center has advanced. Galves has commented on the association between neurobiology and mathematics, the main topic areas of the center. According to him, mathematics are key to formulate the questions that neurobiology puts forward and to understand brain functioning. Jornal da USP, 6/6/2018. (In Portuguese)

Could physical therapy be the future of specialised Parkinson’s care in Brazil?

Parkinson’s Life is an online ‘lifestyle’ magazine for people affected by Parkinson’s disease. Last month NeuroMat's AMPARO initiative was recognized as an outstanding initiative inside Brazil to promote collaboration between people with Parkinson’s and health professionals, in order to face clinical challenges via online lectures to improve the quality of life for people living with Parkinson’s. As an excerpt, we can read: "Although there is a clear deficit regarding specialised Parkinson’s care in our country, I would like to highlight the good research centres in Brazil, such as the AMPARO network, developed in 2016 by the Research, Innovation and Dissemination Centre for Neuromathematics. The network was developed to promote collaboration between people with Parkinson’s and health professionals, in order to face clinical challenges via online lectures to improve the quality of life for people living with Parkinson’s."Parkinson’s Life website, 28/01/2018. (In English)

An almost virtual museum

The NeuroMat dissemination team has led the release of images from museums at the University of São Paulo to an open media repository, and this initiative has now been started with the Paulista Museum. Eduardo Nunomura, Carta Capital, 9/13/2017.

Nota de repúdio à campanha difamatória da organização Wiki Educação Brasil

Em 6 de novembro, o Centro de Pesquisa, Inovação e Difusão em Neuromatemática (CEPID NeuroMat) foi surpreendido por uma campanha difamatória e um abaixo-assinado promovidos pela organização Wiki Educação Brasil contra a Universidade de São Paulo (USP) e o CEPID NeuroMat. O título do abaixo-assinado é: “USP, pare imediatamente de usar a justiça americana para tirar Wiki Brasil do ar!”; o documento está endereçado ao reitor da USP, a sua chefia de gabinete da USP, ao setor de Relações Internacionais da USP e a mim mesmo, enquanto coordenador do CEPID NeuroMat. A campanha e o abaixo-assinado foram difundidos globalmente em redes sociais, em fóruns de discussão, nos projetos Wikimedia e em cartas endereçadas a pesquisadores e militantes pela ciência aberta.
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Podcast A Matemática do Cérebro
Podcast A Matemática do Cérebro
NeuroMat Brachial Plexus Injury Initiative
Logo of the NeuroMat Brachial Plexus Injury Initiative
Neuroscience Experiments System
Logo of the Neuroscience Experiments System
NeuroMat Parkinson Network
Logo of the NeuroMat Parkinson Network
NeuroMat's scientific-dissemination blog
Logo of the NeuroMat's scientific-dissemination blog