Cerebral Dynamics during the Observation of Point-Light Displays Depicting Postural Adjustments

Eduardo F. Martins, Thiago Lemos, Ghislain Saunier, Thierry Pozzo, Daniel Fraiman and Claudia D. Vargas

Correlations induced by depressing synapses in critically self-organized networks with quenched dynamics

João Guilherme Ferreira Campos, Ariadne de Andrade Costa, Mauro Copelli and Osame Kinouchi

A Test of Hypotheses for Random Graph Distributions Built From EEG Data

Andressa Cerqueira; Daniel Fraiman; Claudia D. Vargas and Florencia Leonardi

Stochastic Processes With Random Contexts: A Characterization and Adaptive Estimators for the Transition Probabilities

Roberto Imbuzeiro Oliveira

Inhibitory loop robustly induces anticipated synchronization in neuronal microcircuits

Fernanda S. Matias, Leonardo L. Gollo, Pedro V. Carelli, Claudio R. Mirasso and Mauro Copelli

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