Highlights of the NeuroMat report of activities

The Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics (RIDC NeuroMat) released its sixth report of activities in August. The report comprises activities in research, innovation and dissemination from January to August, 2019. The RIDC NeuroMat was created in 2013 by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) and is coordinated by Antonio Galves.

Since its inception, in 2013, NeuroMat has led to 303 publications, which have been cited 1,802 times. Citations have grown exponentially, from 49 in 2014 to 510 citations in 2018. In August 2019, citations for the year were at 447. This data is available at the NeuroMat Google Scholar page.

A research highlight is the publication of the article Retrieving a Context Tree from EEG Data, by Aline Duarte, Ricardo Fraiman, Antonio Galves, Guilherme Ost and Claudia D. Vargas. This paper has addressed the conjecture that the brain identifies structures from sequences of stimuli. It means that in order to make predictions the brain analyzes structured sequences of stimuli and retrieves from them statistical regularities. This classical conjecture is often called "Statistician Brain Conjecture" and is associated to studies on how one learns. The NeuroMat research team has introduced a new class of stochastic processes –sequences of random objects driven by chains with memory of variable length– to address this conjecture. The paper is part of a sequence of NeuroMat publications on the Statistician Brain Conjecture. Forthcoming pieces will present other experimental protocols and experimental data. This highlight was the topic of the NeuroMat Newsletter #63.

The ongoing development of the Neuroscience Experiment Systems (NES) was highlighted in the 2019 report of activities. Officially launched in 2018, NES is a resource for managing data and metadata from EEG, EMG and TMS. It can also be used for managing data collected from questionnaires. Researchers may store information of participants involved in a study, such as sociodemographic data, social history and medical evaluations. NES has been developed by the NeuroMat innovation team and was covered in the NeuroMat Newsletter #65.

The NeuroMat dissemination highlight was the launching of the podcast A Matemática do Cérebro. This podcast is aimed at covering three main topics: the model for systems of spiking neurons that the research team developed; the Statistician Brain conjecture; and pertaining institutional aspects of doing research in Brazil. The overall goal is to bring public awareness on work that is being done within the NeuroMat community. More information on this NeuroMat media product is available on the NeuroMat Newsletter #64.

The NeuroMat sixth report of activities is available on the NeuroMat website, here.

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