Large Deviations for Cascades of Diffusions Arising in Oscillating Systems of Interacting Hawkes Processes

E. Löcherbach

Ernst W. Hamburger's optimism: a NeuroMat video

The NeuroMat scientific dissemination has recently launched a short movie on physicist and science popularizer Ernst W. Hamburger, a NeuroMat PI. The video --which was produced by LAICA and supported by FAPESP-- is a development of an event on Hamburger's contributions that was organized at the University of São Paulo in 2016.

Estimating the distance to a hereditary graph property

Carlos Hoppen, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Richard Lang, Hanno Lefmann and Henrique Stagni

Dopamine Modulates Delta-Gamma Phase-Amplitude Coupling in the Prefrontal Cortex of Behaving Rats

Victoria Andino-Pavlovsky, Annie C. Souza, Robson Scheffer-Teixeira, Adriano B. L. Tort, Roberto Etchenique and Sidarta Ribeiro

Ernst W. Hamburger: a life dedicated to promoting science

Video on the researcher and science popularizer Ernst W. Hamburger, produced by the RIDC NeuroMat, with support from FAPESP. Click here to learn more on the context of the video production.

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