An almost virtual museum

The NeuroMat dissemination team has led the release of images from museums at the University of São Paulo to an open media repository, and this initiative has now been started with the Paulista Museum. Eduardo Nunomura, Carta Capital, 9/13/2017.

Nota de repúdio à campanha difamatória da organização Wiki Educação Brasil

Em 6 de novembro, o Centro de Pesquisa, Inovação e Difusão em Neuromatemática (CEPID NeuroMat) foi surpreendido por uma campanha difamatória e um abaixo-assinado promovidos pela organização Wiki Educação Brasil contra a Universidade de São Paulo (USP) e o CEPID NeuroMat. O título do abaixo-assinado é: “USP, pare imediatamente de usar a justiça americana para tirar Wiki Brasil do ar!”; o documento está endereçado ao reitor da USP, a sua chefia de gabinete da USP, ao setor de Relações Internacionais da USP e a mim mesmo, enquanto coordenador do CEPID NeuroMat. A campanha e o abaixo-assinado foram difundidos globalmente em redes sociais, em fóruns de discussão, nos projetos Wikimedia e em cartas endereçadas a pesquisadores e militantes pela ciência aberta.

Putting into discussion a research agenda: an assessment of the workshop on Random Structures in the Brain

NeuroMat investigator Eva Löcherbach during a NeuroMat
general presentation
(RIDC NeuroMat/Wikimedia Commons)

NeuroMat held from October 16 to 20 the workshop "Random Structures in the Brain," that brought together most team members for presentations and discussions on the work the center engages with and for an effort to frame and consolidate directions for the years to come. The workshop was attended by over 60 NeuroMat members, including principal and associate investigators, senior and junior researchers and students. Leonardo Cohen (NIH/NINDS) and Wojciech Szpankowski (Purdue University), from NeuroMat's international advisory board, as well as international guest speakers Markus Diesmann (Research Centre Jüllich) and William Lytton (State University of New York) took part in the event.

1st AMPARO Workshop: First year of activities of the NeuroMat network to educate people with Parkinson's disease

Last October the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society published a text about the upcoming event of the NeuroMat initiative called "Rede Amparo". NeuroMat has a network to promote the collaboration of people living with Parkinson's disease, families and health professionals to face clinical and research challenges associated with Parkinson’s disease. This initiative, called AMPARO in Portuguese, is coordinated by the NeuroMat investigator Maria Elisa Pimentel Piemonte, a physical therapist and professor at the University of São Paulo in Brazil. In its first year of activities AMPARO offered twelve lectures for people with Parkinson, their care partner and family about important issues an improve the quality of life. In parallel, AMPARO offered 12 lectures for health professionals about the interprofessional care in PD. All lectures are available in the AMPARO website and their key points are being published in the AMPARO Book 2017. International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (MDS) website, 23/10/2017. (In English)

On Sequence Learning Models: Open-loop Control Not Strictly Guided by Hick’s Law

Rodrigo Pavão, Joice P. Savietto, João R. Sato, Gilberto F. Xavier and André F. Helene

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Podcast A Matemática do Cérebro
NeuroMat Brachial Plexus Injury Initiative
Logo of the NeuroMat Brachial Plexus Injury Initiative
Neuroscience Experiments System
Logo of the Neuroscience Experiments System
NeuroMat Parkinson Network
Logo of the NeuroMat Parkinson Network
NeuroMat's scientific-dissemination blog
Logo of the NeuroMat's scientific-dissemination blog